ABSL against proceeding the act abolishing the upper limit of ZUS contributions
There is no consent from the business represented by ABSL to lift the current limitation of ZUS contributions for employment contracts. The proposed change means reduction in employees’ net wages to 10% and a drastic increase in labor costs by up to 15%.
“For the past six months we have been calling for talks and consultations on changes in the ZUS contribution limit. The submission of a parliamentary bill on the abolition of the upper limit on contributions to the pensions scheme at the last minute is a disregard for such an important issue as the social security system. That is why we urge you not to proceed with the proposed bill. Instead, we are again asking you to organize a round table of employers and trade unions with the government in order to develop joint solutions, best for the competitiveness of the Polish economy and the labor market. The introduction of regulations at the end of the year will deepen the instability of economic conditions and will hinder investment. In the light of the announced economic slowdown, this may be a disastrous decision. “ -says Jolanta Jaworska, Vice – President, ABSL.