Another edition of #WorkingTogether – the action promoting cultural diversity in the workplace, is about to start
This is the second time that workers from the business services centres in Poland will promote the idea of cultural diversity in the workplace. Initiated last year by ABSL, the idea points out the benefits that come from the presence of international workforce in Polish companies. The action will take place on 14th – 18th of October.
The event shall be participated by workers from the business services sector centres, which employs the largest number of people from all over the world. The latest edition brought together 70 companies from 8 Polish cities. At that time, during the Polish nationwide Flash mob, nearly 20 000 workers demonstrated support for the diversity and benefits of working in the international teams. This year, the organisers decided to extend the event. The action will last the whole week, from 14th until the 18th of October. Next to the Flash mob planned for the 17th of October, thus on World Values Day, many other events are to take place. The debates with the participation of business and local authorities regarding the changing character of the labour market and the whole society as well, will take place in selected cities. The workshops on diversity, trade fairs and other fairs as well will be organised in the companies involved in the action.
„More and more global institutions invest in Poland. They introduce their know-how and experience, supporting the development of many Polish companies. In Citi, which in Olsztyn and Warsaw employs over 600 foreigners from 65 countries, we see how major and positive impact the culture promoting diversity has on innovativeness, efficiency, job satisfaction and its quality as well. We are therefore pleased with the growing number of organisations interested in participating in initiatives supporting diversity, since as a result it will boost our competitiviness” – says Joanna Lewinska, the Citi Director, Pride Network Executive Sponsor.
Nearly 35 thousand foreigners work at Polish business services centres, which, according to the ABSL estimates represents 14% of the employment in the sector. With the growth of sector throughout Poland, the number of international teams will continue to grow as well. So far, the largest groups employed in the Polish centres are the citizens of Ukraine, Italy and Spain.
„Foreign experts are also the answer to the shortages in the Polish labour market. As the recent report by NIK exposes, until 2030 the employers will have problems with filling every fifth work station, which means that there will be shortage of about 4 million workers. By making the employment of foreign workers easier for companies from the sector, not only do we rise to the problem of the staff shortage, but we also address the matters of competitiveness. We must bear in mind that nothing favours creativity better than the diversity of views, abilities or experience which we encounter in international teams” – adds Wojciech Cichoń, Vice President, Member of the Management Board Capgemini Poland.
Based on the estimates by ABSL, 94% of SSC employs people from the countries outside Poland. Nearly 200 companies interviewed in the survey conducted by ABSL – „Business Services Sector in Poland 2019” declare having a formally sanctioned policy regarding Diversity & Inclusion. Not only is #WorkingTogether an opportunity for the workers to recognise the value of work in the international environment, but also an opportunity for the deeper knowledge of culture, tradition and specifities of the home country of the colleagues.