Innovator, investor, experienced C-Level manager
Innovator, investor, experienced C-Level manager, fintech pioneer in the direct field in CEE. Founder of the Humanites Institute - think & do tank in the field of Cohesive Leadership™ and social capital development, systemically connecting the topics of Human and Technology, co-founder of the international Center for Technology Ethics, author of the "Village" Model of Social Ecosystem Development and the Cohesive Leadership™ Model,
Lecturer, mentor, juror, founder of the Academy of Educational Leadership - a program for leadership development in education; initiator of the International Social Movement Two Hours for Family/Humanity to bring people together and prevent loneliness (participation of employers from 18 countries),
For many years member of several supervisory boards (currently: BRW S.A., CCC S.A., PKP CARGO S.A. and Arctic Paper S.A.) and member of the Expert Council of the Forum of Supervisory Boards at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Member of the Scientific Council of IDEAS NCBR and Social Council of Wrocław University of Technology.
Privately: wife, mother of three children, fond of wandering through deserts of the world.